Basics of Healing Parts/Fragments

This is an enhanced version of something I wrote out for a FB friend, who knew that she was experiencing fractured parts/fragments in her life but didn’t how to heal them. The little write up included in the middle of this seemed to help her safely make progress in her own healing when she applied it, and it would likely be useful for more people in the same way.

In her instance, she seemed to already be comfortable with perceiving things in the spiritual realm, and seemed to even be quick to pick up communicating with parts of herself. These things tend to be more of a matter of having a willingness to walk in childlike faith, rather than being a matter of needing to have some unusual gifting.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about at all, here is a variety of teachings from Praying Medic on the subject of parts (fragments and alters), from his website:



There are areas of woundedness which don’t seem to respond to typical methods of inner healing, such as when we are attempting to heal emotions found in painful memories, but we just can’t seem to really get ahold of the emotions themselves or get them to fully release. Many times (not always), this can be due to fractured parts being involved.

Many times a pain or issue is within a fractured part of a person and not in their main personality, and so the person’s main personality simply doesn’t have the ability to hand that issue over to the Lord, to make the decision to receive his healing of that issue, etc., but the fractured part itself must make those decisions. I’ve found that ministering healing directly to these parts can resolve many pains and problems which couldn’t seem to be budged any other way.

I don’t want to make it sound like healing fractured parts always and only boils down to a simple written formula, like there are just a few steps in a certain order and that’s all anyone ever needs. Still, for many people, healing fractured parts can be much easier than it sounds. When we rely on the Lord to bring miraculous healing, things can be accomplished much faster and much more painlessly than any other way.

Some people have long and complex healing processes, yet I’ve seen a decent number of people get a large number (maybe all) of their parts healed and integrated in one or two prayer sessions. It depends on the individual and exactly what they are dealing with.

For those who are already working with their parts and have a healing process which is taking years to complete, there is absolutely no shame in that, but they may be dealing with something more complex than what I can give all the answers to in a little blog post. Sometimes though, people just don’t know what they can do to speed things up to make these things easier on themselves, because.. who talks about this sort of thing?

What this is ultimately about is experiencing the “sozo” (Greek for: healing, rescue, “salvation” in the NT) which Jesus died for us to receive. This is about opening up the deeper areas of ourselves to allow him to work in those places and to bring wholeness and freedom where there has been pain and bondage.

I don’t get involved in labeling people with psych disorders such as DID, DDNOS, or the like, and I prefer to just talk about “parts” rather than trying to judge whether they should be called fragments or alters or whatever the latest psychological term is. Since I’m not a doctor, I don’t get involved in all the medical labels (which are subject to debate among the doctors anyway), but I just pray with people and invite the Lord to bring healing. Somebody else can put labels on you if you want.

I should include a warning: If someone reports missing time in their daily life, a history or signs of satanic ritual abuse, or being tremendously overwhelmed or traumatized by attempts at emotional healing, you probably want to back off and get help from someone experienced with those things. The info I’m sharing here is for more common, less complex cases. Healing parts usually isn’t that difficult, but there are certain people for whom it can be a more rough process.

A programmed SRA survivor for instance, may be programmed to kill themselves as soon as someone begins healing their parts or as soon as one of their parts shares certain information. That programming may take over and one of their parts may do the deed whether the rest of them wants that to happen or not.

Even a few non-SRA people, with complex and severe woundedness among their parts, may get hurt more severely if someone digs into their stuff too quickly or too recklessly. Most people aren’t going to experience anything like that with any kind of healing work though. Again, for the vast majority of people receiving ministry, these things will never be an issue, but there are some out there for whom they can be.

This post is for information sake only. Minister only to those you are truly prepared to help. You may need to find in person training, do more research, and even partner with someone else for awhile before taking on really tough situations. Still, with most people, Jesus just heals the parts quickly and painlessly (or close to painlessly), without complication.

The basic idea behind what I do is to get the parts in personal communication with the Lord, and to allow him to do the heavy lifting of counseling and healing them directly. He can bring exactly the truths needed to answer their questions, to resolve their concerns, and he can instantly take away all sorts of bondages and emotional issues which could otherwise take years for the person and their parts to work through in their own strength.

There are several ways that you can get in contact with fractured parts to communicate with them, to invite the Lord to begin communicating with them and bringing healing:

-Some people call them “up” or to the surface of a person’s consciousness, to actually “switch” or take control of the body. (People find success with this approach, but I prefer to use other methods when I can.) From here, you can have a conversation with a fractured part just as with the normal personality of the one you are ministering to as it speaks through their mouth. Depending on how seriously fractured a person is, they may experience a subtle or drastic shift take place with this, or even a headache as the switching takes place.

-Rather than getting people to “switch,” I typically like to talk to people’s parts out loud (they can usually hear you as you talk to the person out loud) and ask them to just put thoughts and pictures in the person’s mind, feelings in their emotions, and such. This is just as if the person were listening to the Lord, but instead, they are listening to a part of themselves. This seems to be easier on the person receiving ministry many times, and for one thing, also allows them to communicate with and walk their own parts through healing when nobody is around to help.

-Another way is to just perceive the parts in the Spirit, to see them in vision form for instance, and to go to them “in the Spirit,” bringing the Lord there with you. This way, you can communicate with them in the spiritual realm, without needing to physically say anything, and you can introduce them to Jesus, releasing him to minister to them however he wants to. As you watch the Lord begin to minister, just trust him to accomplish the one thing he is doing, and then wait for him to show you the next thing, watch him do that, and so on. You may recognize the part receiving all sorts of different kinds of help (it is often different every time) until they seem to disappear, becoming integrated into the rest of the person. (They don’t actually disappear, but they become one with the core person. They become more fully alive and “out” all the time in the person’s life.)



In any of those three approaches, it can be very helpful to start by binding up and restraining the demonic from hindering ministry in any way, and specifically to bind up and restrain them from manipulating or controlling any parts of the person, causing them to cause hindrances or blocks to ministry.

Oftentimes the enemy will manipulate and use parts whose job it is to protect other parts of the person, using these “protectors” to protect the person from getting healed. (Yes, different parts tend to have different jobs, protectors, helpers, ones carrying pains, ones to function in the outside world, etc.) He will drive these protector parts to cause mental distractions, outbursts of anger, feelings of numbness or of being overwhelmed, theological arguments, etc., and will shut down access to areas of woundedness you are trying to minister to. This is often forced by the demonic rather than being the real intention of the parts themselves.

If this happens during a session, just take authority over it, command the enemy to be restrained and moved back from doing these things, and it should immediately stop. The protector parts will appreciate being released from the demonic manipulation and control. This may get these “protecting” or “guardian” parts on your side if they weren’t before. Most importantly, this should get you past many defense mechanisms which you wouldn’t be able to get past normally, so that you can bring healing where you couldn’t even get access before.

Now that the demonic control of those parts is released, you can often get the parts’ permission to have those demons totally removed. Be sure to lead those parts into relationship with the Lord to take the place of that junk if you do. (Just lead them in receiving Jesus into their hearts and in meeting him personally.) Don’t leave the parts with an empty void that they don’t know how to fill on their own (without Jesus), or they may invite the enemy back in to fill that painful void once again. When introducing the protector parts to Jesus, it helps to explain to them that Jesus isn’t taking away their job, but is going to empower them to do it more effectively if they let him in.



What I’ll share below are some steps for when you are having the parts communicate to or through the person, as you communicate with them verbally (the first or second approach I shared above). These are what I find to be the most common steps useful for walking parts through healing:

-Discern the parts and listen to them: Get an image of what they look like maybe, what condition they are in, what they are carrying and what is around them. Ask them to share anything on their heart, their emotions, any statements they wish to share, etc.

-Bring Jesus or another member of the Trinity to the part/s (by faith) and help them get into relationship with him. He may need to reveal himself to them a little at a time, explain something to them, heal them from something small, or give them gifts or food etc. to help them become able to trust him. Just ask him to minister to them however he wants, and work with the parts to help them receive.

-There are sometimes false Jesuses who may need to be exposed and removed before the parts can come into relationship with the real Jesus. This is often the case w/ religious backgrounds or heritages. Have the parts make sure to look into Jesus’ eyes to check if there is love in his eyes. If there isn’t, that means it isn’t Jesus but a religious spirit. You don’t want a demon posing as Jesus ministering to the parts. It may hurt them. You can use your authority in Christ to expose the tricksters and get the parts permission to remove them. You can persuade the parts that Jesus isn’t like that, isn’t mean, is all love, all good, etc., and that the bad Jesus they’ve known isn’t really Jesus. As soon as the part gives you permission, you can cast out the false Jesus and invite the true one in.

-Make sure that all the parts receive Jesus as their Lord and savior. Just have them pray a simple prayer of surrender to his lordship and inviting him into their hearts, receiving the work of the cross. It makes a big difference in them getting free. Even among Christians, many fractured parts have not received the Lord as their savior yet, have not begun a relationship with him. If they aren’t ready for this, he can just reveal himself a little at a time, maybe from a distance, and minister to them at whatever level they are comfortable with until they become ready for more.

-Once the part is in a relationship with Jesus, get the part’s permission to let the Lord take away any anger, unforgiveness, trauma, negative emotions, demonic, anything negative, and he can take it away instantly and miraculously. If there is any hangup to this he can work with them to resolve it and get it done. Often there is a bad guy strapped to their back and they need to give permission to remove it. Often the parts’ clothes need to be changed from colored to white, representing purity in the spiritual realm. They may need to be taken out of a bad place such as a dark cave or a dungeon filled with demons, etc., and moved to a better, safer place to receive ministry.

-After they are healed up, they may go somewhere with Jesus to take a break for awhile before receiving more ministry another day, or they may help with finding and communicating to or for other parts or groups of parts so that the Lord can continue healing all of them in the same way. Or, they may be ready for integration into the whole person. Have them ask the Lord if they are ready to be integrated and to follow him into the light to be integrated if he says yes.

This is all done from a place of just listening and discerning the part/s, just as if you were listening to the Lord, rather than a place of exploring memories and re-living emotional pain. That means it’s a totally different approach than secular trauma processing, and is about the Lord miraculously taking pains away as the parts merely give him permission, rather than you having to feel the pains all over again and figure it all out.

These are just basics, but well tested. I would think that it would be enough to resolve many issues among fractured parts if a person’s case isn’t very complex.

I really consider having someone to help you with this valuable, especially if you get stuck, but I also find that it’s important to learn to do this sort of thing just with the Lord if we are ready for that. He wants to take us so much farther than we can go in just a few sessions on somebody else’s schedule.

Another warning: If you work with more severely fractured parts who discover repressed memories, do not try to have the person go into those memories to re-explore them or to feel out the emotions in them, as they can go into what is called an “abreaction.” This is where they will totally re-live the experience of their abuse physically and emotionally just as if it were happening again. Traditional counseling often relies on that to heal dissociation, since it gets the repressed emotions up to a conscious level, breaking down the dissociative barriers in the mind, but obviously it can be a horrible experience. Instead of emotionally exploring the newly surfaced memory and abreacting, just have the Lord identify the pains and issues in the memory, and have the part hand all that over to him. He will take the pain and anger, etc. away instantly without them having to re-live it.



There are some good books out there on understanding dissociation and ministry to the more severely dissociated if you want to learn more. These are mostly from professional therapists who come from a strong psychology background, and who have limited understanding of the supernatural.

Most of these people rely on revisiting and reliving the memories which caused the parts to fracture in the first place, then doing secular methods of trauma processing. These are things that I find unnecessary and unnecessarily painful, but the general understanding these therapists have of what kinds of issues people deal with, and the great practical and relational wisdom they share should not be underestimated.

The Lord can be called upon to bring miraculous healing, and at the same time we can grow in practical understanding of what people are wrestling with on the human level. I think that if we are going to work with the more severely hurting folks, we are going to need all the help we can get, even from people who only understand the natural side of things.

These are books about ministering to the most severe cases out there, SRA and DID, so they get pretty intense and a decent amount of the info is not necessary for what this post is about. I don’t know of any books written about healing common fractured parts, so the real intense stuff is all I can offer when it comes to further reading. (Wait a minute… I’m co-authoring three books right now, which will go way more in depth into all kinds of healing than this little blog ever could, so maybe that will help pretty soon: )

SRA is beyond the scope of what I’ve even tended to work with much at all so far. I do know Diane Moyer, who has worked with SRA survivors since the 90’s, and I run my questions about such things through her.

This first book, written in everyday language, Help for the Fractured Soul, is from a very experienced Texas based Christian counselor who combines a lot of practical wisdom and clinical understanding with some spiritual work. She does traditional memory work, having people revisit/relive their parts’ horrible memories, like most counselors do, but invites the Lord to come in and speak and heal in the midst of them. Everything else she shares in the book is tremendously insightful and helpful (invaluable?), not to be underestimated just because I believe there’s a better way to do the healing itself.

The second, written in psych jargon and aimed at those working with most severe folks, Restoring the Shattered Self: A Christian Counselor’s Guide to Complex Trauma, gets into even more detail and advanced understanding of working with parts. My favorite aspect is the early discussion on relational safety, an absolutely necessary thing to walk in while ministering to parts on any level.

The author shares a lot about relating to people in such vulnerable situations safely and ethically, shares tons of very practical wisdom, and puts the healing sessions (she uses memory work and secular trauma processing rather than the Lord, again) as a second step after a long phase of building safety and stabilization with the person first. After the memory work, (if the client chooses to go there, she makes it clear that they may not), she explains how she then helps the person develop a whole and balanced life once integrated. Lots of brilliant insights if you have the patience to wade through the professional psych jargon and totally secular perspective. (The title says “Christian,” but I think that means “using secular methods while having a traditional Christian worldview.”)

The third, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, is extremely informative about what people with SRA and mind control are dealing with, how they get programmed, challenges to healing them, and so much more. Again, basically a totally secular perspective, completely secular methods, but much information one probably needs to work with the most severe people out there. This book goes way beyond the previous two when it comes to understanding specific issues in SRA programming. Not for the feint of heart.

The fourth, The Shining Man with Hurt Hands, is a layperson’s journey in learning to work with the Lord and his angels to heal people’s parts from many levels of severity. This one is spiritually based (Woohoo!) and takes a very different approach than what I’ve shared above, but is very informative.

Click to access ShiningMan.pdf

Finally, (but definitely not least) here is a great blog sharing an SRA/DID survivor’s healing journey and spiritual healing work with others:

Oh wait, then there are resources such as Restoration in Christ Ministries (a pioneer in working with SRA/DID, employing deliverance and some sort of ministry to parts which I haven’t learned from yet.), or HeartSync (great insight on deeper healing, much of which applies to parts), where you can purchase training materials in the form of audio seminars. I’m hoping they get their training materials uploaded to their site soon. For now you have to go to a seminar to attend in person or just to buy their training DVDs.)

3 thoughts on “Basics of Healing Parts/Fragments”

  1. I was very excited to read your blog. One of my former clients sent it to me. I am familiar with this kind of ministry and use it in our counseling. Another therapist and I founded a non profit ministry I hope you will take a look at.
    We’ve been working with SRA survivors for over 20 years. Praying for you and your work and hoping we can connect at some point. Thank you! Carla Ashton.

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